But, unfortunately, most children are not like that. They need some help when they face some difficulty. They need someone who can lead the way, someone who can help them find clue, or maybe someone who can suffer along with them. It's very hard for a child go on a voyage by himself/herself alone. That's why you may need me.
I am not giving all the answers. In fact, I will still ask you to check them by yourself if you are not sure. What I want to help you is to have the confidence that you know your answer is correct most times. In a few situations, you know you still need think more. This confidence is critical for your child to play a real game. If you are not sure, you will start guessing. We all know what kind of result can be expected if you keep guessing. What I want to achieve is to remove guessing from your vocabulary. We need reason, even a wrong reason is better than guessing. Finding the reason is always our goal.
I will show you how to find clue when you face a never-seen problem or a kind-of-seen problem. A puzzle that gets into a book has a reason, because it has some patterns and has a solution. I will show you how to look for those clues. There are only 5-10 basic tactics we discuss in Step 2 or in any other tactics course, even you make combinations, the variety will be much less than 100. But there are hundreds, or even thousands of patterns. How to find them is not depending on guessing. We need some sure approaches. That's where I add values.