But there is one problem with Go in USA, which is popularity. Only a handful of non-Asian people (most adults) learn and play Go, and a very small number of Asian kids learn and play Go. There are very few Go tournaments in USA, and non-existent in most states. There is no professional activities. All pros, the number can be counted with two hands, are coming from Asian, retired. So there is no chance for your child to become a professional.
Comparing to Go, Chess is in much better situation. Chess is offered as one of the after-school activities everywhere. Scholastic tournaments, club tournaments, and large tournaments are going on every week all over the nation. Kids, if they work hard, can not only get very good, but also become IM or GM. A lot of them are competing in international tournaments, such as World Youth, PanAmerican Youth and North American Youth.
Yes, still a lot them are Asian, but it's more mixed. Even among Asian players, Indian kids count for a significant part.